
When you've been wronged.

Genesis 16: In summary, Sarai (not yet Sarah) and Abram (not yet Abraham) were still waiting on Sarah to get pregnant as the Lord had promised. Sarai gets too impatient and tells Abram to sleep with her maidservant, Hagar. Abram sleeps with her (my thoughts here would fill an entire book) and Hagar gets pregnant--TA-DAH!  Sarai gets jealous and Abram tells Sarai to do whatever she wants with Hagar (this would make it on Docter Phil). Sarai mistreats Hagar (details not mentioned but we can imagine "Mean Girls" would fit the bill) and Hagar flees.  The angel of the Lord goes after Hagar and finds her by a spring in the desert. IMPORTANT! God pursues us and is with us in deserts...remember post 1?  Do you know what the angel tells Hagar to do when He speaks to her? He blesses her, but first he tells her to go back and submit to Sarai.  Hagar had been wronged, but her response shows she understood something very important for us. Hagar gives the Lord the name "The God WHO SEES".  She knew the mistreatment wasn't overlooked. We are mistreated/wronged on many occasions and many levels in relation with people. Do we, like Hagar, have the knowledge of the living One who sees?  If we do, then we don't need to seek out retaliation, get the last word, or win every argument because we know the just God of the Universe sees. But remember He called Hagar into submission AND THEN blessed her.  Where in our relationships this week can we let go of pride and walk in more humility knowing God is the One who sees? He sees every sacrifice you make and you don't have to fight for yourself (Ex. 14:14).


  1. I like it... I've found my new reading place... Thanks Jana, very insightful!

    Terry Herrick

  2. Awesome post, let of good things in this story, tons of applicability!
