
Better is one day.

Ten weeks into 40-hours weeks and I was exhausted, stressed, God wasn't pouring our relief like I expected, and I needed to just get away.  Have you been there? I wanted to go to the beach, preferably, but the mountains were looking good--whatever I could talk mom into (grad school default). I was in church shortly after this planning escapade and Chris Tomlin's "Better is One Day" was sung during worship. The song is based on Psalm 84:10, "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked." I sang and sang and God ever so gently whispered to my heart "Do you believe it?" Duh--I'm singing it! Then He said my heart, "Then why to you need vacation? Come to me. Better is a day with me than a thousand days at the beach." OH, so David was serious? Could God really relax me like a weekend trip to the beach? He could. It takes waiting in the presence of God and getting away with Him, but He always comes through when I trust Him enough to take Him up on it. A few intimate words from Him can soothe our hearts better than a thousand ocean waves.  What do you need, Beloved? Is it comfort, relief, security, peace, or joy?  Do we believe the lie that something in the world could satisfy us? Don't we end up in the same empty place over and over when we go to those things? In a week, I'm sure I would be ready for another beach trip. Let's go sit at the throne of God until He provides whatever it is we need. We will continue to be filled  (Is. 55:1), and I'm pretty sure the One who crafted us knows exactly how to fill us.

1 comment:

  1. Remarkable. I see God's thumbprint on you, Jona Ogden. http://www2.northpointministries.org/player/player.jsp?occurrenceID=5384
