
(You) hide and go seek.

There was a king of Judah named Ahaziah who was no good. He ends up dying and his mom tries to kill the entire royal family (Jerry Springer?).  The daughter of the king before Ahaziah snatched up a baby named Joash, who was in line to be king, to keep him alive. The baby is hidden in the temple of the Lord while the bonkers mom rules over Judah.  In a CSI-style ceremony, the baby is brought out of the temple and crowned king 6 years later. Yes, crazy mom goes hysterical.  The story goes on and on.

"He (Joash) remained hidden with them at the temple of God for six years while Athaliah (crazy mom) ruled the land." 2 Chron. 22:12.

No one knew the baby, Joash, was even still alive. They had no idea he was growing and being prepared for kingship. He was simply gone to them; hidden. Have you ever felt that way?

We as humans so badly want to be known. We want to be seen and honored.  We so desparately want to be great!  And guess what? We were made for all of the above. But we don't have to promote ourselves to get there. The hiding place in the temple of God, the secret place, the times you spend on your knees in prayer, those are the very key to the greatness we desire (John 15). We are known and seen by a lofty and intimate God who is sovereign over our lives. Do not despise the times in life of waiting and preparation. They are callings, not curses.

Don't miss they he remained hidden "with them" at the temple of God. Are the people you surround yourself pushing you towards that intimate place with God? Or are they trying to get you out of the temple of God?  Joash's preparation to be king relied very heavily on those people around him raising him up.

1 comment:

  1. Really need to hear this this week! thanks for the encouragement. :)
